This past weekend, four friends and I spent some time on the Irish coast as our first post-lockdown adventure. We wanted a fun outdoor activity where it was easy to social distance, so we chose surfing in Lahinch, Co. Clare. Lahinch is a wonderful seaside town with great restaurants, pubs and plenty of outdoor activities.

Lahinch Surf Experience

There are numerous places in Lahinch where you can rent the surfing gear and take a lesson. We rented a surfboard and wetsuit from Lahinch Surf Experience for around €20 per person.

The weather was not the best as it was cloudy and around 17 Celsius (62 degrees Fahrenheit) with a chance of rain. It did, however, make for great surfing weather as the waves were big…but manageable!


A Great Outdoor Activity

The next few hours were spent on and off the board but I’m happy to report there was some success! By that time, the tide was quickly arriving, so we had to get out of the water with tired bodies and smiling faces.

Overall, it was a great experience and one that I would love for our clients to experience while they are in Ireland. It is a great outdoor activity for people of all ages and especially for families.


Surf's Up in Lahinch and more..

What is great about being a country on an island is that Lahinch is not the only beach in Ireland where you can surf. Contact us today so we can start planning your Ireland vacation where you can experience the fun, outdoor activities that Ireland has to offer!

You can check out some other Adventures and Activities that we can arrange for you here

Or you can drop me a line here and I can advise on the best itinerary for you!

