Pancake Tuesday, more formally known as Shrove Tuesday, falls forty-seven days before Easter.

The day is always followed by Ash Wednesday, which is the beginning of Lent whereby Christians traditionally fast for forty days. But where did Pancake Tuesday start? Is it an Irish tradition? Read on to find out more…

Pancake Tuesday

Pancake Tuesday is also know as Shrove Tuesday  – The word shrove is a form of the English word shrive, which means to obtain absolution for one’s sins by way of Confession and doing penance.

It’s also known as Mardi Gras – French for “Fat Tuesday” – and it refers to the tradition of using up all the rich, sweet and fatty food in the house on this night,  by making stacks of pancakes and feasting on them.

The specific custom of  Christians eating pancakes on Shrove Tuesday/ Pancake Tuesday dates to the 16th century in the United Kingdom – So it’s not an Irish custom, as such, but most people in Ireland will observe Pancake Tuesday and will be busy making pancakes tonight!


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