We asked the team here at Ireland Chauffeur Travel to gaze into their crystal ball and share with us the top travel trends that they predict for 2021 and beyond… Read on to find out more…. 

Golf Vacations

In May 2020, after the lifting of Ireland’s main lockdown, demand for golf skyrocketed! In 2021, the demand for golf travel is destined to follow a similar trend. As we ease into the post-pandemic world, golf touring is going to thrive here in Ireland. The touring style conforms to any and all rules brought about by the pandemic. For instance, social distancing is easily achieved as it has existed in the game of golf long before the coronavirus (especially if you boast a snap hook as severe as mine). Unlike crowded touring attractions, masks will only need to be worn in the clubhouse or pro-shop setting. There are multiple private rental properties either located at golf courses or within a quick drive meaning that if you desire total exclusivity – it can be arranged. Finally, with one of our luxury Mercedes vehicles and experienced Driver Guides behind the wheel, not only will you not have to worry about sharing your ride with strangers, you will have a stress free time, riding in style and comfort, to the best courses Ireland has got to offer. Ireland and Golf go hand in hand – now more so than ever!

Joe Murphy – Travel Advisor


Travel & Learn a Skill

After spending numerous hours in our homes this past year, whipping up sourdough and banana bread, people have come to enjoy the satisfaction and meditative relaxation that comes with learning a new skill – I predict that travel whilst learning a new skill will be a big trend in the months to come – be that a week long cookery course at Ballymaloe House, learning how to forage seaweed in Connemara, learning to horse ride, fish, scuba dive – whatever it is, Ireland is sure to offer you something that will pique your interest! Foodies in particular will love the variety of cuisine and techniques on offer – and it’s great to bring that skill home so you can relive those vacation memories time and time again!

Michelle Lee – Travel Advisor


Private Rentals

When travel resumes, we will continue to see a rise in demand for Private Rental Vacations. People will want to use travel to reconnect with family & friends in safe and controlled ways, so what better way than to have your own private rental accommodation! They offer extra space, privacy and allow for flexibility with dining. There are many different private rental options across Ireland to choose from including small intimate cottages or log cabins to larger country homes or Castles. Many hotels also have the option of private villas or lodges on-site which would give the option of having the freedom of your own villa as well as having the hotel facilities close by.

Alison Lonergan – Travel Advisor





The big trend in sustainability in Ireland for travel will be moving towards mindful, responsible and ethical travel. We can achieve this in three ways. One is to have the most fuel efficient vehicles with minimum emissions (we achieve this through the latest models with eco technology built in). Two is to choose hotels with sustainability policies so your stay is as carbon neutral as possible. Finally we achieve this by enriching our clients experiences with local business that the tourism spend is going straight to the indigenous community and supporting green shoots at a micro level.

Shane Leahy – Managing Director


Wellness Travel

The recent months have given us a new appreciation for nature and the wellbeing effects of being outside and breathing in the fresh air. I predict a trend for ‘wellness’ holidays, where the focus is on ‘unplugging’ from the online world and getting back to nature. Time away from computers and TV screens, when we reconnect with each other and mother nature. Hiking, outdoor yoga, surfing, kayaking – it’s all to be found here in Ireland, with its beautifully untouched landscapes, a wide variety of terrains and mountains, and a gorgeously mild climate in which to enjoy it all!

May Stokes – Marketing 
